Friday, June 17, 2016

Restaurant ||Busy Bag|| Kit

Dear Loverlies,

If you've been following our Instagram, you know we've been posting our favorite Mama :Lifesavers: this week. Today's :lifesaver: deserves it's own post because it's pretty awesome. This :lifesaver: will keep your little(s) busy when you're out at public places and will let you {enjoy} your meal without you having to keep handing your child straws or sugar packets to play with [hehe, we've all been there.]

We introduce to you our loverly Restaurant ||Busy Bag|| Kit. This specific kit is designed for a child ranging from 12-18 months.

We will of course be changing out the activities as the little one grows and we will for sure keep you posted on what goes inside the bag. We kept the kit limited to activities only. You can of course add food pouches, snacks, and eating utensils if you want everything all in one space.  Have fun making this, it hardly take you any time!

You Need:

Pouch *we recommend plastic so you can keep it clean*
Crayons *triangular*
Plastic Toys 
Play Doh
Table Topper
Anything else that your child will LOVE!

We of course found these items at our go to places; Target + Dollar Tree.

The pouch was found in the Target Dollar Section + was originally designed as a pouch for wet clothes. However we immediately thought restaurant kit! It has a handy handle attached on it and can be easily wiped down.

Table Toppers are super handy and will keep the table clean from the crayons and Play Doh.

My 16 Month old is loving anything with crayons these days. We added in a Mickey Mouse coloring book (she's obsessed) + crayons. We recommend the Crayola Triangular Crayons so they don't roll of the table. :) If you live in AZ, don't leave the crayons in your car unless you want colorful seats.

Littles LOVE stickers + Play Doh. Add in some straws with the Play Doh and you have an activity that will keep them occupied while you eat!

Kiddos enjoy playing with plastic toys. We put these creepy crawlers in the kit and these are actually the most favorite. Who would've known?

A book is a -must have- for the kit. If you don't already subscribe to Highlight's Hello Magazine, you need to! It's my little's most favorite reading material. The best part is it is made out of durable paper that can even be wiped off. Perfect for restaurants since the books may get messy. 

This is all that is in the kit at the moment. You may be thinking, "Can't you add more items?" The answer is YES! Limiting the bag to a few activities that the littles aren't always used to seeing at home, will allow for them to be more entertained with it. Since my babe is so young, puzzles and learning busy bags are a bit too complicated. Check out these blogs for more ideas!!

Blue i Style gives TONS of ideas for what can go in Restaurant Kits for kids of all ages! She is AMAZING! 

Restaurant kit for dining out with kids

Fun at Home with Kids is loaded with busy bag ideas that can go in the kit!

30+ Simple and Easy DIY Travel Kits for Kids.  Great for vacations - road trips, plane trips, etc - but also great for entertaining kids in waiting rooms and restaurants.  From Fun at Home with Kids

Ummmmm this not the coolest idea? We love anything that can be made from the Target Dollar Spot. Check out Lexi Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too


Our Seashell Tic-Tac-Toe would pair well with the kit!


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